Sunday, October 16, 2011

She's Here!

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

I officially suck at updating, but Miranda arrived on September 17 after a speedy 4 hours of active labor. It was great! I'm in awe of how tiny she is and how much hair she has!

She started out as a very sweet, easy going baby. Right now? Not so much. I think she must be going through a growth spurt because she cries ALL THE TIME!

She also has a nasty habit of spitting up all over the place.
Someday I won't smell like old milk!!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

First Post - 5 Days Til D-Day

I've decided to take a stab at this blogging thing.

I figure, what better time then just before the birth of my second child?

A little about me first. My name is Caroline. I am 26 years old. My husband is Eric. Together we have a beautiful 4 year old named Allison and as stated above, we are due any day now (5 days - Friday September 16, 2011!) with our second child. Another little girl who, at this point, still does not have a name! (Don't blame me! I've got a huge list of contenders! If only Eric would stop shooting them all down!) I enjoy web design, photography (specifically the Photoshop editing part of photography!), Netflix, "Vampire Diaries," "Doctor Who," Harry Potter, reading YA books (Harry Potter, many of Meg Cabot's books, Vampire Academy, The Hunger Games, etc.) and much more.

At the time of this blogs conception it is almost 7 am and I cannot sleep.

The joys of pregnancy. If I haven't been enjoying the wonders of hormone induced crying for no reason this pregnancy, I've been oh so happy to endure the back, leg and hip pain caused by pressure on my sciatic nerve (pre-existing to my pregnancy, but made OH so much worse thanks to baby girl!) Todays back pain is not sciatic in nature, it's just your good ol' fashion pregnancy back pain.

I'm going to be honest here: I would LOVE for baby to have arrived yesterday. 9-10-11. How cool is that birth date??? Alas, my little girl apparent does not have a calendar in there. That's OK. As much as I'd like her to come out and meet us, it's more important that she take her time to fully develop and be as healthy as possible.

My first daughter Allison was born basically on her due date, 4-14-07. I wonder if this baby is waiting for 9-14. Or perhaps 9-19. Could it be that today will be the day? I hear it's a full moon.

Well, enough of my mindless ramblings!
I hope you'll stick with me through this adventure of raising two little girls!